- Can I work before receiving my Green Card?When you’re in the process of securing lawful permanent residence in the United States, one of the most common questions that arises is, “Can I work before receiving my green card?” The short answer is yes—but only if you have the proper authorization. In this article, we’ll explore various green card categories, explain employment authorization… Read more: Can I work before receiving my Green Card?
- What is the minimum sentence for aggravated assault in Pa?What is the Minimum Sentence for Aggravated Assault in PA? If you’ve been charged with aggravated assault in Pennsylvania, one of the first questions you might ask is, “What is the minimum sentence for aggravated assault in PA?” Aggravated Assault is a serious charge, and understanding the potential penalties is essential. As a criminal defense… Read more: What is the minimum sentence for aggravated assault in Pa?
- FMLA and Workers’ Comp: Are they the same thing?FMLA and Workers’ Comp: are they the same and can you receive both? One of the most common question we get when it comes to Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation is “What’s the difference between FMLA and Workers’ Comp?“. While you can receive both FMLA and workers’ compensation benefits at the same time in PA, there are… Read more: FMLA and Workers’ Comp: Are they the same thing?
- Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits Taxable?Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits Taxable in Pennsylvania? One of the most common questions we receive at ARM Lawyers is, “Are my workers’ compensation benefits taxable?” Understanding the tax implications of workers’ compensation benefits is essential for anyone receiving these payments in Pennsylvania. Let’s dive into the details. Watch the video to hear PA workers’ compensation… Read more: Are Workers’ Compensation Benefits Taxable?
- Limited Tort Insurance in Pennsylvania: What You Need to KnowUnderstanding Limited Tort Insurance in Pennsylvania: What You Need to Know If you live in Pennsylvania, choosing the right auto insurance can have a significant impact on your legal rights after an accident. In our ongoing series, Pa personal injury attorney, and ARM Lawyers founding partner, Joshua B. Goldberg discusses limited tort insurance. Limited tort… Read more: Limited Tort Insurance in Pennsylvania: What You Need to Know
- Can the Police Search Your Vehicle in Pennsylvania?Can the Police Search Your Vehicle in PA? This is a hot topic in criminal defense law in Pennsylvania, and a question that many Pennsylvanians ask ARM Lawyers founding partner and criminal defense attorney Brett Riegel. Get answers to the question “Can the police search your vehicle in Pa?” Watch the video above, or continue… Read more: Can the Police Search Your Vehicle in Pennsylvania?
- Understanding Comprehensive and Collision Coverage in PaUnderstanding Comprehensive and Collision Coverage in Pa In today’s blog we’re going to continue our ongoing series regarding the ins and outs of buying auto insurance in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with Attorney Joshua B. Goldberg. Today’s topic is: Understanding comprehensive and collision coverage. Now you’ve probably heard of these two coverages. And you probably… Read more: Understanding Comprehensive and Collision Coverage in Pa
- What is felony speeding in Pa?Can I be charged with felony speeding in Pa? In today’s article, ARM Lawyers’ criminal defense attorney Brett Riegel answers the commonly asked question: “What is felony speeding in Pa?” Before we get to the answer, remember, when it comes to legal issues and matters dealing with criminal charges in the State of Pennsylvania: it’s… Read more: What is felony speeding in Pa?
- Types of Auto Insurance Coverage Available in PennsylvaniaWhat types of Auto Insurance Coverage are Available in Pennsylvania? When shopping for car insurance in Pennsylvania, it’s important to understand the types of auto insurance coverage available to you, what they cover, and why you need a specific type of coverage. In today’s article, we’re going to go over the different types of auto… Read more: Types of Auto Insurance Coverage Available in Pennsylvania
- What is the auto insurance declaration page?Understanding Your Auto Insurance Declaration Page What is a Declaration Page? When you’re buying auto insurance, the first document you’ll encounter is the declaration page. This vital part of your policy lists all the coverages you have purchased. Each insurance company formats their declaration pages slightly differently, but they all contain the same essential elements:… Read more: What is the auto insurance declaration page?
- What is a utilization review?A common question I receive as a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney is: “What is a utilization review?” Well, we’re going to answer this common workers’ comp question in todays blog post. Utilization reviews are a common occurrence in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation cases, so understanding what they are is important to your case. Without further ado,… Read more: What is a utilization review?
- Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Virtual Hearing GuideWhat is a virtual hearing? A common Question we receive is: “What is a virtual hearing?” We get asked this question so often, we’ve decided to create this Pennsylvania workers’ compensation virtual hearing guide to help you understand what a virtual hearing is, and how to navigate your virtual hearing when the time comes. So,… Read more: Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Virtual Hearing Guide
- What To Do After a Work InjuryWhat do I do after a work injury? A common question that I receive from victims after a work injury is: “What should I do after a work injury?” And: “What are the most important things that I need to do to make sure that I protect myself after a work injury?” So, we’re going… Read more: What To Do After a Work Injury
- Total Disability Wage Loss Benefits vs Partial Disability Wage Loss BenefitsTotal Disability Wage Loss Benefits vs Partial Disability Wage Loss Benefits In this blog we’re going to dig into Disability Wage Loss Benefits. We’re going to cover total disability wage loss benefits and partial disability wage loss benefits. Two of the most common questions we receive from our Pennsylvania workers’ compensation clients are: What are… Read more: Total Disability Wage Loss Benefits vs Partial Disability Wage Loss Benefits
- The 5 most common workers’ compensation forms in PennsylvaniaWhat workers’ compensation forms am I most likely to receive if I am injured at work? This is a very common question for people that have a workers’ compensation case. We see it all the time at ARM Lawyers. It’s an important question because the workers’ compensation forms that you receive and/or file in a… Read more: The 5 most common workers’ compensation forms in Pennsylvania
- The Top 5 Workers’ Compensation Petitions in PennsylvaniaWhat workers’ compensation petitions am I likely to receive/ file if I am injured at work? This is a question that we see all the time with our PA workers’ comp clients, and it’s an important question because the forms that you have to file in a workers’ compensation case are varied and making a… Read more: The Top 5 Workers’ Compensation Petitions in Pennsylvania
- What is an IME?What is an IME? In today’s blog, we’re going to answer the question “What is an IME” and explain how it can affect your Pennsylvania workers’ compensation case. An IME can play an important role in your workers’ comp case, and can directly impact the amount of benefits you receive, and/or if you’re eligible to… Read more: What is an IME?
- Workers’ Comp Mediation: Mandatory Mediation vs Voluntary MediationTwo kinds of Workers’ Comp Mediation As a part of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation system, there is the opportunity to attend a Mediation. Mediation takes two forms in this context. One option is Mandatory Mediation, and the other is Voluntary Mediation. A Mediation is common when dealing with Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation settlements, you can read… Read more: Workers’ Comp Mediation: Mandatory Mediation vs Voluntary Mediation
- What is a Workers’ Compensation Settlement?What is a PA Workers’ Compensation Settlement? This is a very common question from our workers’ comp clients in PA, and it’s one we see all the time at ARM Lawyers, so what is a settlement in a workers’ compensation case in Pennsylvania? A workers’ compensation settlement is a resolution of the injured workers’ wage… Read more: What is a Workers’ Compensation Settlement?
- What is a Work Injury?What is a Work Injury? This question is one of the most frequently asked questions pertaining to workers’ compensation cases is Pennsylvania. In today’s blog post we’re going to answer the question “What is a work injury?” in relation to workers’ comp in PA, go over the different types of work injuries, and cover another… Read more: What is a Work Injury?