After our free bankruptcy consultation, you will receive a copy of either our complete bankruptcy questionnaire or our supplemental questionnaire and a link to our online debtor portal. It is imperative that you complete each section in its entirety. Making sure you complete the questionnaire to the best of your ability will make the entire process smoother and faster. If we do not have an answer to a question, we will have to contact you, which will slow everything down.
As you prepare the questionnaire, you may be tempted to skip sections. Everything is important. Every question is either vital to our preparation of the bankruptcy petition or we need to provide the answer to the court. Even if you provide a document with the answer, such as your taxes with your previous year’s income or your pay stub, with your employer’s address, you MUST also write that information down on the questionnaire. Do not write things such as “you have this information” or “see 2019 tax returns”. We need you to write down the information.
How to Complete the Online Debtor Portal and Supplemental Questionnaire

If you are a client and would like access to our online debtor portal, e-mail us and we’d be happy to set that up. You can also access the Supplemental Questionnaire here. If you are not a client and would like to be, please call for a free bankruptcy consultation.
How to Complete the Paper and PDF-Fillable Bankruptcy Questionnaire

If you are a client and would like a copy of our PDF-Fillable Bankruptcy Questionnaire, click here. If you are not a client and would like to be, please call for a free bankruptcy consultation.
How do I provide documents?
We will ask for documents, such as registration and deed information for your car or home, tax returns, and income information such as pay stubs or profit and loss statements. Please provide copies only, not the actual document. If you are sending items digitally, they must be clear, scanned copies – not images. We cannot submit pictures of documents to the bankruptcy court.
What if I don’t have a scanner?
If you don’t have a scanner, but do have a smart phone, there are several apps that provide clean scanned images. We typically recommend Scanner Pro, but certainly there are others available. These apps provide clean, scanned images using only your phones camera.
How do I get the documents to you?
If you completed the online debtor portal, you can submit electronic documents directly through the portal. You can also e-mail a copy to us.
If would like to mail hard copies, please send them to our Stroudsburg law office. Even if you have a closer office or have met with the bankruptcy attorney in another office, mailing documents to the Stroudsburg law office will give you the quickest results.
The bankruptcy process can be challenging, but having a complete and thorough bankruptcy questionnaire, will help immensely.
Have more questions?
If you’re already a client, you can find answers to many of your questions in our Client Resources. You can also call us anytime with any questions you may have. If you’re not yet a client, that’s ok too. Call us for a free consultation and we can help you get the bankruptcy process started.