Types of Auto Insurance Coverage Available in Pennsylvania

Picture of By Joshua B. Goldberg
By Joshua B. Goldberg

Workers' Compensation & Personal Injury Attorney

image: types of auto insurance coverage in pa
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What types of Auto Insurance Coverage are Available in Pennsylvania?

When shopping for car insurance in Pennsylvania, it’s important to understand the types of auto insurance coverage available to you, what they cover, and why you need a specific type of coverage.

In today’s article, we’re going to go over the different types of auto insurance coverage available to you in Pennsylvania, what they are, and what they do. We hope you find this article helpful in your search for the best auto insurance coverage in PA.

If you have any questions about the types of auto insurance coverage, or you’ve recently been in an auto accident, feel free to reach out and schedule a free consultation with Pennsylvania personal injury attorney Joshua B. Goldberg.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

In Pennsylvania, one of the most important components of your auto insurance is Personal Injury Protection (PIP). PIP ensures you have medical benefits following an accident, regardless of who is at fault. The state minimum for PIP coverage is $5,000, but higher amounts can be purchased. Even if you have health insurance, having adequate PIP coverage is essential to cover immediate medical costs following an accident.

Real-World Scenario: Using PIP Coverage

Imagine you’re driving on a snowy day and your car skids into a guardrail. You’re injured and need immediate medical attention. With PIP coverage, your medical expenses, up to the limit of your policy, will be covered without needing to worry about who is at fault for the accident. This ensures you receive timely care and can focus on recovery instead of the financial burden.

Why PIP is Essential

  • Covers Medical Bills: PIP covers your medical bills up to the policy limit, ensuring you receive the necessary treatment.
  • Wage Loss Benefits: If your injuries prevent you from working, PIP can provide compensation for lost wages.
  • Funeral Benefits: In the tragic event of a fatal accident, PIP can help cover funeral expenses.
  • Access to Treatment: Ensures access to necessary medical treatment without needing a referral.

Filing for PIP Benefits

After an accident, you’ll need to fill out an Application for Benefits form provided by your insurance carrier. This form must be completed to receive medical coverage. It’s crucial to list every injury, even minor ones, to avoid unpaid bills.

Click here to see StateFarm’s PIP application for benefits forms

Example of PIP in Action

Consider John, who was involved in a minor car accident. He sustained whiplash and required physical therapy. With PIP, John’s medical bills, including emergency room visits and therapy sessions, were covered up to his policy limit. This allowed him to focus on his recovery without financial stress.

Collision and Comprehensive Coverage Explained

Collision Coverage

Collision insurance helps cover the cost to repair or replace your vehicle if it’s damaged in an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Typically, this coverage comes with a deductible, which you can adjust based on your premium payments. Most people opt for a $500 deductible.

Click here to see StateFarm’s collision coverage

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive insurance covers damages to your vehicle from non-collision events outside your control, such as theft, vandalism, fire, or natural disasters. Like collision coverage, comprehensive coverage usually includes a deductible.

Click here to see StateFarm’s comprehensive coverage

Real-World Scenario: When Collision and Comprehensive Coverage Come in Handy

Imagine you park your car outside overnight and a heavy branch falls, damaging your roof. Comprehensive coverage will take care of the repair costs after you pay your deductible. On another occasion, you might get into a fender-bender at a busy intersection. Collision coverage ensures that the cost to repair your vehicle is covered, no matter who caused the accident.

Why You Need Both

While collision coverage protects against vehicle-to-vehicle accidents, comprehensive coverage provides a safety net for a variety of other incidents that can damage your car. Together, they ensure you’re protected in a wide range of scenarios.

Liability Coverage – Protecting Others and Yourself

What is Liability Coverage?

Liability coverage is mandatory in Pennsylvania and protects you if you’re at fault in an accident, covering damages to others’ property and injuries. The minimum required coverage is $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident.

Click here to see StateFarm’s liability coverage

Coverage Limits and Recommendations

  • Property Damage: Minimum $5,000.
  • Bodily Injury: Minimum $15,000 per person/$30,000 per accident.
  • Higher limits are recommended to ensure full protection in severe accidents.

Real-World Scenario: The Importance of Adequate Liability Coverage

Consider you’re driving on a highway and accidentally sideswipe another vehicle, causing significant damage and minor injuries to the driver. Your liability coverage will pay for the repairs to the other vehicle and the driver’s medical expenses. If the damages and medical costs exceed your coverage limits, you could be personally responsible for the difference. That’s why it’s crucial to have sufficient liability coverage to protect your assets.

Why It Matters

Adequate liability coverage is crucial to protect your financial assets if you cause an accident that results in significant damage or injuries. Without sufficient coverage, you might be responsible for expenses exceeding your policy limits.

Understanding Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UIM)

What is Underinsured Motorist Coverage?

Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage protects you if you’re involved in an accident with a driver who doesn’t have enough insurance to cover your injuries. This coverage ensures that you’re not left with unpaid medical bills and other expenses.

Coverage Details

  • Limits: Match your liability coverage limits.
  • Importance: Fills the gap when the at-fault driver’s insurance is insufficient.

Real-World Scenario: UIM Coverage in Action

Imagine you’re hit by a driver who only has the state minimum liability insurance, which is insufficient to cover your extensive medical bills and rehabilitation costs. With UIM coverage, your insurance policy would cover the remaining expenses, ensuring you receive the necessary treatment without financial hardship.

Why You Need UIM

Opting for UIM coverage is essential to protect yourself against drivers who carry only minimum insurance. Without UIM, you risk having inadequate funds to cover your recovery costs after an accident.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage (UM)

What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

Uninsured Motorist (UM) coverage steps in if you’re in an accident caused by a driver who doesn’t have any insurance. This coverage is critical for ensuring you receive compensation for injuries and damages.

Coverage Limits

  • Similar to UIM: Typically $15,000 per person/$30,000 per accident or higher.
  • Protects You from Uninsured Drivers: Provides financial security.

Real-World Scenario: The Necessity of UM Coverage

Picture this: you’re driving through an intersection when an uninsured driver runs a red light and hits your car. You suffer injuries and your car is severely damaged. Without UM coverage, you would have to cover all your medical expenses and car repairs out of pocket. UM coverage ensures you’re protected and can cover these costs without financial strain.

Why UM is Vital

Given the number of uninsured drivers on the road, UM coverage is a must-have to safeguard your financial well-being in case of an accident where the other party lacks insurance.

Click here to see StateFarm’s underinsured & uninsured motorist coverage

Types of Auto Insurance Coverage in Pa: Conclusion

Understanding the different types of auto insurance coverage available in Pennsylvania is essential for making informed decisions about your policy. Each type of coverage—whether it’s PIP, collision, comprehensive, liability, UIM, or UM—provides crucial protection that can help you avoid financial hardship in the event of an accident. By thoroughly reviewing your policy and understanding these coverages, you can ensure that you and your vehicle are adequately protected on the road.

Learn More About Auto Insurance in Pennsylvania

Buying the right auto insurance can be confusing, so Attorney Joshua B. Goldberg has written a guide to help Pennsylvania car owners choose the best auto insurance to fit their needs. In attorney Goldberg’s guide “The Essential Pennsylvania Auto Insurance Buyer’s Survival Guide”, he gives you all the knowledge on auto insurance buying in PA that he has gained over 25 years of helping Pennsylvanians with auto insurance and motor vehicle accidents.

Attorney Goldberg is giving copies of his guide for FREE, all you have to do is sign up with your name and email, and we’ll send your copy of the Essential Pennsylvania Auto Insurance Buyer’s Guide on the house.

Need To Speak With an Auto Insurance Attorney?

If you have more questions about auto insurance in Pennsylvania, or you’ve been in a car accident and need to speak with an attorney, call us now! Attorney Goldberg is an award winning car accident attorney, and has been helping residents of Pennsylvania with auto insurance and car accident cases for decades.

Call us today, or fill out the contact form on our website to schedule a free consultation with Attorney Goldberg, and get the legal help that you need!

Free Consultation

For cases involving auto insurance and car accidents, Attorney Goldberg offers free consultations! So make the call today and schedule a consultation with one of the best and most knowledgable car accident and auto insurance attorneys in Pennsylvania, for FREE! We look forward to hearing from you, and we’re always here to help!