Can I be charged with felony speeding in Pa?
In today’s article, ARM Lawyers’ criminal defense attorney Brett Riegel answers the commonly asked question:
“What is felony speeding in Pa?”
Before we get to the answer, remember, when it comes to legal issues and matters dealing with criminal charges in the State of Pennsylvania:
it’s always a good idea to consult with a qualified and reputable Pennsylvania criminal defense attorney who practices in the county in which your case is located.
If you need direct and specific legal advice, or you’ve been charged with a crime and need to speak with a qualified attorney, please fill out one of our contact forms and/or give us a call!
We offer FREE criminal defense consultations for our clients, and potential clients, in Northeastern Pa and the Lehigh Valley facing charges involving Pennsylvania speeding laws, and what could be considered felony speeding in pa.
All you have to do is reach out, and schedule your free consultation with ARM Lawyers, we’re here to help!
* This article is not written as specific legal advice. If you are facing speeding, reckless driving, or felony speeding charges in Pa, please schedule a free consultation and speak with an ARM criminal defense attorney.
Is there such a thing as felony speeding in Pa?
Now, on with the blog post, let’s answer the question “what is felony speeding in Pa?”.
Well, there’s actually no such thing as felony speeding in Pennsylvania.
But, there are a couple of things that could be close to what most people would think of as felony speeding.
Felony flight could be mistaken as felony speeding in Pa
The first is felony flight, that involves driving away from a police officer under certain circumstances at a high rate of speed for a prolonged period of time.
That’s one situation where you might mistake felony flight for felony speeding in pa.
Felony speeding could be referring to being caught in excess of 31 miles per hour over the speed limit
Sometimes people refer to felony speeding as being caught in excess of 31 miles an hour over the speed limit.
It’s not a felony, but if you are a Pennsylvania licensed driver, it triggers an automatic suspension of your driver’s license and a hearing in front of Pendant, so it has some more consequences than a regular speeding ticket.
What is felony speeding in Pa conclusion:
So, while “felony speeding” does not technically exist as a criminal charge in the state of Pennsylvania, you could be referring to either of the circumstances mentioned above, or another type of speeding charge.
That’s why it’s important, if you are facing any type of a speeding citation in Pa, to have a consultation with a qualified criminal defense attorney near you to determine whether or not you are facing consequences beyond simply paying a little fine.
ARM Lawyers offers free consultations for speeding, reckless driving, and felony speeding in Pa. Plus a wide range of other criminal defense cases in Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Lehigh Valley.
Our Pennsylvania law office locations, and Counties served for felony speeding in Pa include:
Our Stroudsburg Pa criminal defense attorneys handle felony speeding charges in:
Our Palmerton Pa criminal defense attorneys handle felony speeding charges in:
Our Bethlehem Pa criminal defense attorneys handle felony speeding charges in:
Our Pittston Pa criminal defense attorneys handle felony speeding charges in:
Our criminal defense attorneys in Northeastern Pa include:
Schedule a free consultation for felony speeding in Pa
Schedule your free criminal defense consultation at one of our Northeastern Pennsylvania offices and speak to a qualified criminal defense attorney today.
We can help you with your felony speeding case, and any other speeding law infraction or criminal defense case in Northeastern Pa.
Call us today, or fill out the contact form on our website, and get a free consultation from a qualified, criminal defense attorney near you.