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Thank you for completing our Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Questionnaire. Your case details have been received and analyzed by an attorney.

There are generally three different ways for an individual to show that he/she is totally and permanently disabled:

  1. You are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income benefits (SSI) with a review period of 5 or 7 years;
  2. You are a veteran with a service-connected disability (100% Rating or Individual Unemployability); or
  3. You have a certification from a doctor.

If any of these things apply to you, you likely qualify to have your federal loans discharged through the Total Permanent Disability Discharge. (If you have private loans, you may need to consider a bankruptcy discharge of student loans or other non-bankruptcy option.) Unfortunately, many of these Total Permanent Disability Discharge applications are denied due to incomplete or improper applications. That’s why we suggest you have a lawyer, if possible.

If you would rather continue to read about the process for free, I would invite you to download our free book, The Essential Student Loan Survival Guide.

As part of the ARM Yourself With Knowledge series, this guide aims to help you navigate the student loan universe. In this free student loan guide, we cover student loan payment plans, student loan forgiveness programs, and student loans in bankruptcy to ensure you have all the information you need to deal with your student loan debt.

Thank you again for contacting us. We will reach out shortly.