According to the United States Census Bureau, there were over 56 million Americans of all ages living with either a mild disability or severe disability in the United States in 2010. A Social Security disability attorney can help you get the benefits that you deserve. Whether you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), our award winning SSD attorney knows how to navigate the system.
If you’re lucking enough to have ERISA long-term disability insurance through your employer or you purchased private long-term disability insurance, those insurances are separate and distinct from Social Security Disability; however, we can help you with those too. A Social Security disability attorney can help file claims for both long-term disability insurance and Social Security Disability.
Award Winning Social Security Disability Attorney
At ARM Lawyers, our SSD attorneys are dedicated to helping people get the disability benefits they deserve. With more than 100 years of combined experience, we do more than just help our clients understand the law. We will provide you with the confidence you need to find solutions, get back on your feet and start planning for a better financial future.
Attorney Patrick J. Best has represented thousands of disabled individuals who were wrongfully denied Social Security Disability benefits and Supplemental Security Income. Attorney Best has been named a Super Lawyer Rising Star for his work with the disabled. He is a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claims Representatives (NOSSCR) and the National Association of Disability Representatives (NADR). He hosts the YouTube show “Social Security Disability with Patrick J. Best, Esq.“.
We have handled thousands of Social Security claims. As a result, we know the system. We can help.
Getting the process started with a Social Security Disability Attorney
Curious about starting the disability process, but not sure where to start? You’ve come to the right place. We know how hard it is when you’re disabled. The process can be scary. Dealing with Social Security is a nightmare. That’s why we try to make the process as easy as possible so you have one less thing to worry about. We deal with Social Security for you so that you don’t have to.
If you’re looking for general information, we have a few great resources for you:
First, Social Security disability attorney, Patrick J. Best, hosts the ARM Lawyers YouTube show “Social Security Disability with Patrick J. Best, Esq.” in which he answers common questions from clients. This is a great starting point for many people because many of the common questions and issues are addressed in these videos.

Next, Attorney Best offers his book, “The Essential Social Security Disability Survival Guide“, for FREE, just by requesting a copy. As part of the ARM Yourself With Knowledge series, this guide aims to help you navigate the process of filing for disability benefits and what happens afterward.
If you would like to discuss your personal situation or if we didn’t answer your specific questions in our show, just give us a call and we’d be happy to discuss your case. Our consultations are completely free so you have nothing to lose. If you’d prefer to e-mail us, just click here for a free consultation.
What is Social Security Disability?
When people refer to “Social Security Disability” they are often referring to the Social Security Disability Insurance program. Sometimes we abbreviate this to SSD or SSDI. However, people with disabilities who have little income and few resources, may also be eligible for disability payments through the Supplemental Security Income program. This is often abbreviated SSI.
A vast majority of disability claimants fall under the SSDI and/or the SSI disability programs.
The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) program pays Disability Insurance Benefits to qualified individuals. This program is separate and distinct from the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, although there are some similarities between the programs.
The SSDI program functions like an insurance program. Workers pay “premiums” in the form of taxes withheld in their paychecks. In order to be eligible to receive benefits under this program, the worker must contribute over a sufficiently long period of time and must also have contributed to the program recently enough to have “disability insured status”. The general rule for eligibility under this program is that the person must have worked 5 of the last 10 years prior to becoming disabled.
The SSI program is a “need-based” program rather than an insurance program like SSD. Thus, in order to qualify, you must have limited income and resources (things you own). If you meet SSI’s income limitations, you may qualify for SSI whether or not you qualify for SSD based on your earnings record.
Generally, the process is the same for both programs and the method of proving disability is the same for both programs. Here is a chart comparing SSDI and SSI:
How to Apply for Social Security Disability Benefits
The first part of the disability claims process is filing an application for disability benefits. Many times, the Social Security Administration will encourage you to file the application without a lawyer. Don’t fall for it! They want you to file without a lawyer because it will be easier for them to deny your claim!
If you are considering applying for disability benefits, learn more about applying for SSI and applying for SSDI here. Don’t apply without a Social Security disability attorney!
How to Appeal a Social Security Disability Decision
If your application for disability benefits is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that the reconsideration process for SSD claims is lengthy and complicated. You should not appeal without hiring a Social Security disability attorney.
After your initial application has been denied, you have 60 days after your claim is denied to request reconsideration. If your request for reconsideration is denied, you have 60 days to request a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. You have 60 days from the ALJ’s decision to file a request for review to the Appeals Council. If the Appeals Council denies your request for review, you will have 60 days to file a civil action in Federal District Court. Most attorneys do not even file appeals at this level. We do though. We’ve handled hundreds of claims. We take these appeals seriously. Learn more about the reconsideration process for disability claims here.
Do I Need a Social Security Disability Attorney?
Yes, you should have a Social Security disability attorney assist you with your claim. Unfortunately, it is possible to hurt your claim at any stage in the process. If you don’t have a Social Security Disability Attorney from the beginning of the process, it could be too late for us to fix later. Don’t wait! Call us today before it’s too late.
Moreover, a Social Security disability attorney can guide you through the process of filing the application, requesting reconsideration, going to a hearing with an administrative law judge, filing an appeal at an Appeals Council, and filing a civil action in Federal District Court.
The best part is that our fees are always contingency fees. There is no money due up front and no money due unless we win. We don’t get paid unless you get paid.
Contact a Social Security disability attorney at ARM Lawyers today
At ARM Lawyers, our Social Security disability attorney handles disability cases in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and New York and have offices in each of these states. For more information about the disability process in your state, feel free to click below:
Our Social Security disability attorney strives to make this process as easy as possible. We can skillfully guide you through everything, step by step. Call for a free consultation today. The best part is that we can start the whole process over the phone or by video conference so you don’t even need to come into the office!