Brett J. Riegel, Esq., is a founding member of ARM Lawyers and a native of Berwick, Pennsylvania, who graduated at the top of his class in 1988 as a multi-sport letter athlete, Eagle Scout and community activist. Following honors graduation from Dickinson College, with a double major in English and Dramatic Arts as preparation for law school, Brett, completed his legal studies at the Dickinson School of Law in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
At the Dickinson School of Law, Brett focused his attention on real world experiences, which would allow him to be an aggressive advocate for clients after completing his legal education. While in school, he served as a member of the Appellate Moot Court Board, The Trial Moot Court Board, the American Trial Lawyers Association Trial Team, and the Robert F. Wagner Appellate Moot Court Competition. In addition to these honors, Brett took all of the available trial advocacy and appellate advocacy courses the law school offered and graduated towards the top of his class. During his time at Dickinson, in addition to the academic and extracurricular activities schedule, Brett worked in the legal division of the Pennsylvania State Education Association, where he assisted staff and regional attorneys in their representation of unionized teachers and support staff in a wide variety of matters before administrative agencies, trial and appellate courts.
After law school, Brett relocated to Monroe County, Pennsylvania where he had a one (1) year Clerkship with Monroe County Court of Common Pleas Judge Peter J. O’Brien. In that role, Brett was introduced to most of the influential decision makers in Monroe County and received hands on experience allowing him to recognize what methods of advocacy are the most effective for clients charged with a crime or otherwise embroiled in a legal battle.
At the conclusion of his Clerkship, Brett formed a small firm, later known as Amori & Riegel, LLC where he practiced for nearly 16 years as the primary litigation partner in both criminal and family law.
Since January 1, 2012, Brett has handled hundreds of criminal matters, including many which proceeded to trial, in fourteen (14) different judicial districts in the Common Pleas Courts of Pennsylvania, and seven (7) different judicial districts in New Jersey, as well as the Federal District Courts of the Middle District and Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Brett has handled appellate matters before the Commonwealth, Superior and Supreme Courts of Pennsylvania and before the Federal 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and United States Supreme Court.
In addition to the criminal matters, Brett has also focused his practice on family law and other civil litigation matters, including personal injury, business litigation, real estate litigation and appeals.
Media Appearances
Dickinson School of Law
Dickinson College
December 22, 2024
December 9, 2024
August 17, 2024
August 13, 2024
August 11, 2024
August 8, 2024
August 4, 2024
June 12, 2024
April 18, 2024
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